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Peter Brandt's latest analysis shows that the Bitcoin price could surge to a whopping $100,000 during its next parabolic run, but there is a couple of ifs. In his recent video entitled "$100,000 ahead... but when and how?", veteran chartist Peter Brandt explains how the BTC price could eventually end up in the six-digit territory. Brandt offers two interpretations that are based on his bullish view of Bitcoin (BTC). "I believe in the long-term narrative of Bitcoin and that Bitcoin is indeed going to $100,000 if not substantially more."  

In other Crypto news today: Bitcoin Could See Another Major Rally if History Repeats Itself….

Fractal analysis shows that the Bitcoin price could soon record another double-digit pump. If history is any guide, Bitcoin could be gearing up for another major price rally, which would be similar to the one that took place at the beginning of April. Cryptocurrency trader Cantering Clark has noticed an "uncanny" fractal resemblance between the current chart and the December bottom in 2018, which was followed by a monstrous bull run in Q2 2019. He tweeted on Crypto Twitter, “There is an uncanny resemblance between these two charts. It would make sense that after the first major move up, that the first major correction and following accumulation period would have a fractal resemblance to the larger original.”