“There are so many times where I've seencompanies spend so much money on advertising and marketing and theynever bother to talk to their client, talk to their audience... andthey KILL themselves."

Peter Shankman is anentrepreneur, angel investor, best selling author, marathoner,triathlete, national marketing pundit, public speaker,award-winning podcaster, skydiver with over 400 jumps, and he sitson the NASA Citizen Advisory Council.

The New York Times called him "apublic relations all-star who knows everything about new media andthen some."

Peter is probably best known forfounding the “unbelievably simple” business, HARO: Help A ReporterOut, service that connects companies and individuals with expertisewith reporters looking for expert sources, all over the world, forfree.

While building his businesses,selling his books, or speaking at conferences, Peter learned thatspeaking to and building your audience is always Step 1.

Since NOT speaking to theaudience is the number ONE mistake that Project Creators make whilebuilding their brand, who better to bring on the show than PeterShankman himself.

Listen now and you willlearn:

Thedifference between “good press” and “bad press” The#1 way to get good press Thebest places to start doing your customer research WhyNOT doing your homework can cost you hundreds of thousands, or evenMILLIONS of dollars Howowning your mistakes can make you even more money


Show Notes:

Peter’s Projects:

HARO: Help A Reporter Out Peter’spersonal site ShankMindsMastermind Group Faster Than Normal


Peter’s Books:

Zombie Loyalists Nice Companies Finish First: WhyCutthroat Management Is Over--and Collaboration IsIn Customer Service: New Rules for aSocial Media World (Que Biz-Tech) Can We Do That?! Outrageous PRStunts That Work--And Why Your Company Needs Them 1stEdition