What if you could launch your project and have a super-engaged
audience lining up to buy your product? So many blogs, and guru’s
harp on having a big email list before you launch. What if it
wasn’t about that? What if it was about how engaged they

"90% of the
people who sign up for my Giveaways end up reading their email, and
about 50-60% respond to that email", Timothy Moser,
MasterOfMemory.comThis rings true for a lot of things. If you have a tiny list
of raving fans, I guarantee you will convert higher rates, and get
MORE sales from that list then you would have if you only focussed
on the quantity.


Using a Giveaway Strategy in another niche has
helped Timothy Moser get an almost unheard of 10% conversion rate
(from lead to sale). This unique selling strategy focused on
nurturing your leads, and getting them super engaged, and ready to
buy anything you’re selling.


Before Timothy Moser started Master of Memory,
a website that offers free information and courses on how to
memorize anything, he was a lot like many people trying to get
their start on the internet.


He had been listening to podcasts and reading
blogs on how to start a business online.


Memorization and learning had always been a
passion of Tim’s. One day Tim was googling around for more
information to improve his own skills....


But he didn’t find much.


He mostly found forum posts, but certainly no
central hub to learn the best techniques for remembering someone’s
name you just met, or Spanish verb conjugation.


So Tim threw up a website for fun hoping to
make some beer money with banner ads…


When Timothy’s website, MasterOfMemory.com, blew


Even though he decided early to focus his brand
around giving away ALL his information for free, he was still able
to monetize the site within 3 months by selling a course on
learning Spanish where enrollees get personal attention from native
speakers online.


His Unique Selling Proposition for that course
was to use the advanced memorization techniques he had learned and
apply it to learning “boring” vocabulary and grammar.


This podcast isn’t on how to memorize anything…
Go to MasterOfMemory.com for that info…


You will learn:


Why Timothy spends hundreds of
hours offering free, one-on-one teaching to people who haven’t
bought yet even though he knows it is not likely that the people he
helps will actually buy his course
Why you need to focus on a BIG
first day for your launch
How to set up your own Giveaway
with nothing more than a Gmail account and a
How sometimes making people do MORE
work is better for sales than making a task as easy as
The psychological difference
between a “launch” and “drawing :) ”, and how it can drive

Show Notes:


The Ultimate Guide To Use Hangouts On Air For Webinars - By Pat
Flynn of SmartPassiveIncome.com