President Joe Biden is being accused of illegally taking classified documents, allegedly while he was vice president under former President Barack Obama. The developing scandal is sparking debates on his hypocrisy over former President Donald Trump also storing classified documents and the Mar-a-Lago raid, and whether the justice system has been weaponized as a political tool. Biden is now being squeezed with investigations from both the Justice Department and the Republican party, with new calls for impeachment.

Meanwhile, the United States is about to hit its debt ceiling, and this will force Congress to vote on whether to raise it. While this has caused sharp debates in the past, this time it could be different. After the Freedom Caucus stalled the vote of House Speaker in the House of Representatives, they’ve also taken a stronger stance against government spending beyond its means. The debt ceiling could mark their opportunity to transform a debate into a tool for reform.

In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience.

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