Enjoy this interview with Professor Ed Cohen who was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at age 13 and has now been living with IBD for over half a century. Crohn’s nearly killed him in his early 20s and the only outlook his doctors ever gave him was that the best he could hope for would be periods of remission.

Professor Cohen has spent his life in search of better health and is sharing what he’s learned over the years in his new book, “On Learning to Heal or, What Medicine Doesn't Know.” He draws on his 50 years of living with Crohn’s disease to consider how Western medicine’s turn from an “art of healing” toward a “science of medicine” deeply affects both medical practitioners and their patients.

Links from the show:

On the web: www.healingcounsel.com
Get the book: www.healingcounsel.com/publications/on-learning-to-heal
Schedule a 15-minute conversation to learn about Healing Counsel: www.healingcounsel.com/contact

View Professor Cohen's bio from Rutgers University and additional publications:

Rutgers: womens-studies.rutgers.edu/faculty/core-faculty/122-ed-cohen

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