Beth Dovey, Founder of Alignment Coaching Services, from Brisbane walks us through her journey of trauma and how she now focusses on helping others heal and rejuvenate through stress recovery techniques.

Beth is a professional coach, trainer, facilitator and speaker specialising in relationships and empowered Communication and trauma. Through workshops and one to one coaching Beth helps people to increase their emotional intelligence, find their voice, become more resourceful in their communication and improve conflict resolution skills. She helps her clients transform their life through connecting with the internal world, increase their productivity, heal from the past, gain confidence, allowing them to be empowered in their communication, enabling authentic, real functional relationships.

Beth uses Metadynamics TM, positive psychology, counselling, understanding of physiology and coaching methodologies to facilitate the shifts in her clients lives. She has also been a qualified family support counsellor for 5 years and has also completed the Triple P Parenting course and the Parenting Orders Program: Business of Parenting- conflict resolution, plus many more. Beth is a scientist of life! Having worked as a medical scientist for 15 years, she now has a keen interest in psychology and human behavior and healing from the past to become Aligned, Alive and your authentic self.

Beth has been co-parenting since 2014 after removing herself from a dysfunctional 14 year relationship and commencing her healing path. The strategies, conflict resolution skills and methodologies Beth shares, draws on the lessons from working with many counsellors, therapists, psychologists, coaches and lawyers over the years.

Beth gets vulnerable during this interview, sharing her personal experiences in abusive relationships, and how she overcame these obstacles to live life through her values and on her terms.

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