Welcome to Episode 4 of the Critical Alpha Methodology podcast, where we explore how to successfully navigate the job search process and how to find a fulfilling career post-military. Transitioning into the civilian workforce can be challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can discover exciting opportunities that align with your skills and goals.


In this episode, we'll provide a step-by-step approach to help you navigate the job search process effectively. Here is a brief summary of some of the points that we cover off on:


1.    Identify your skillset and list your top 10 skills. This will enable you to explore unconventional job opportunities and build a network.

2.   Set up profiles on LinkedIn, Seek, and other job search websites, and convert military language to civilian terminology. This will help employers understand your value.

3.    Build your network by reaching out to old friends, colleagues, and other veterans who have made the transition. Their insights and connections can be invaluable.

4.    Familiarise yourself with the job market by searching for roles. Connect your skills with the qualifications listed and identify any gaps for additional training if needed.

5.    Consider organisations like With You With Me that offer extra training and support for veterans seeking to enhance their skills.

6.    Tailor your resume to highlight relevant skills and experiences for each job application. Show employers how your military background translates into valuable assets.

7.    Network effectively by attending events, conducting research, being authentic, and following up. Meaningful connections can lead to new opportunities.

8.   Be flexible and open to different job types and industries. This widens your chances of finding the right job that aligns with your skills and long-term goals.

9.   Translate your military experience into civilian language and address potential employer biases. Effective communication and dispelling misconceptions will enhance your chances of success.


Join us in this episode as we guide you through the intricacies of the job search process, providing valuable insights to help you find a fulfilling career post-military. With the right strategies and determination, you can unlock endless possibilities. Let's dive in and navigate your path to success.


Download the Critical Alpha Methodology App from Apple and Google Play to start adjusting your angle of attach today. Learn more about the Critical Alpha mindset, by purchasing our book, available from our website www.criticalalpha.com and from Amazon in Paperback and Kindle.


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