In Episode #007 of CrisisCast 2020  | Lessons from 911 to help us through the pandemic with Leadership Coach, Jeff Munn

Today On CrisisCast 2020 - A recovering lawyer, corporate refugee turned leadership coach in a remote town in Colorado…  talks to me about how he and his family are living through the Crisis. I only knew Jeff Munn by name before this chat but something told me he would be a good guest.. and it took me about half a second to realize I was in the company of a man who has done some serious self-work. I felt lighter after our chat and I hope you do to after listening.
Jeff shared wisdom and insights and was even open enough to look back on his experience of how 911 changed him. So enjoy this interview with a man who helps his clients create extraordinary futures… I give you Jeff Munn.

Jeff’s Bio:

After over 25 years in the corporate world, I finally had to come to terms with the bigger mission that had been whispering in my ear for many years.

But I didn’t do it voluntarily. I didn’t do it knowing how everything would work out. A door opened, and I decided to step through it.

On August 2, 2016, everything changed for me. Because of a corporate restructuring, I suddenly went from a successful role at a leading financial services firm to not having a job. I only knew two things. I knew I didn’t want to be an employee again. And I knew I wanted to change people’s lives. I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do that. But I took the next step. And the next. And the next. And today, just a few years later, I live in the mountains of Colorado and help amazing people step into lives of greater presence, purpose, and possibility.

Education and Qualifications

Certified Presence-Based® Coach
 Board of Advisors, Presence-Based® Coaching
 International Coach Federation, ACC Certification
 Board of Directors, Roaring Fork Leadership
 JD, University of Chicago
 BS, University of Illinois (Bronze Tablet, highest honors)


How life is in Colorado
• Why it’s hard to take action in a crisis
• Lessons Jeff took from 911 that could help us now

Connect with Jeff


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