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Could you imagine going from having to sell your car and get a loan for your business…

To close the deal with the bank worker…

Falling in love with each other…

Starting a business together…

And 18 months later you’re both millionaires from it?

That’s the remarkable story that Dylan & Theano Shively are here to tell us about today. Dylan went from six years in the army to a business managing partner at Verizon, while Theano worked at her banking job for 12 years.

Today they are here to tell their story. They will be sharing what they have learned about credit repair, starting a business, scaling and mindset hacks that they wish they knew at the start of their journey.

Now, the married couple have joined the Credit Repair Cloud Millionaire’s Club alongside countless other 7-figure business owners.

Make sure to check it out!

Key Takeaways

David & Theano’s story (00:00)The couple’s background (01:18)How their early life looked (05:18)How expensive was it to launch their business (15:46)The power of word of mouth (21:28)Best social platforms for growth (30:41)Best follow up strategy for leads (32:22)How to delegate (37:39)Top tips for starting out (42:40)The importance of culture (47:01)What motivates you? (56:18)Episode wrap-up (1:02:09)