I hear this question ALL THE TIME…

“Should I use the word “Credit” in my credit repair business name?”

And the truth is, naming your business is not nearly as complicated as some people would have you think it is!

Building a brand is not something you should be overwhelmed by. It’s supposed to be easy and it’s supposed to be fun!

So in this episode, I’m gonna reveal my secret formula to naming your credit repair business…

...AND share with you the answer to whether or not you should use the word ‘Credit’ in your name!

So stick around!

Key Takeaways for This Week:

Naming your business shouldn’t be that complicated! (0:00)Should you use the word ‘Credit’ in your credit repair company name? (1:05)My formula for creating a unique credit repair business name (2:55)How to get a company logo for your business (3:40)Need some more help with setting up your credit repair business? (4:48)

Additional Resources:

Get a free trial to Credit Repair CloudSign up for the Credit Hero Challenge

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