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Your success as a credit repair business owner depends on two things:

1. How well you do for your clients.

2. How many clients you can get.

Most people nowadays will go overboard with the first and forget about the second.

But as today’s podcast guest explains, that’s not an optimal strategy.

Deanna Knowles is a social media marketing expert, she is the CEO of the F.A.M.O.S Group with over a decade of experience in marketing. She also specializes in lead generation for credit repair businesses.

On today’s podcast, she is going to talk us through everything she has learned about credit repair business marketing. Including the best social media strategies, tips, tricks, and hints to maximize your business growth.

Topics such as ninja-hacks to boost conversions and how to generate leads with no experience will be covered.

Everything you need to know about how to best market your credit repair business is right here!

Make sure to check it out!

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)Lead gen with no experience (04:00)Defining ‘Hot’ vs ‘Cold’  leads (06:21)The biggest misconception about credit repair marketing (07:51)How much to pay per lead (09:32)How to nurture leads (10:43)Automating lead gen (12:40)The importance of follow-up (15:33)The optimal referral system (17:25)Real-life case studies (24:12)Rapid-fire questions (24:50)

Additional Resources:

- Get a free trial to Credit Repair Cloud

- Get my free credit repair training

- Learn more about the F.A.M.O.S Group

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