Life happens!... And sometimes it happens in a way that haunts you or your clients for years!

Let’s say your client has a perfect and long-term payment history with a creditor when suddenly - BOOM! 

Something happens that causes that perfect payment history to go late. 

Maybe the mail was lost through no fault of their own, or they got laid off…

Or an emergency medical situation happened, or even COVID caused a payment to have to be pushed past the due date… 

Or really… maybe life just got chaotic and they just forgot!

In this episode, I’m gonna walk you through step-by-step exactly what to do so that those moments in life don’t haunt your client’s credit for years!  

So stick around!

Key Takeaways for This Week:

Common external causes of late payments (0:00)Why late payments are particularly interesting to lenders (1:19)What is a goodwill intervention? (2:27)Do goodwill interventions work on closed accounts? (3:13)How to remove late payments from a credit report (4:07)What to do if you don’t get a response from the main customer service account? (5:42)

Additional Resources:

Get a free trial to Credit Repair CloudSign up for the Credit Hero ChallengeGet my free credit repair training

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