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When I first got into credit repair, I knew nothing about marketing and made every single mistake you could imagine.

I listened to phony business gurus who told me that for every dollar I spent on ads, I would get two back. But none of that was true! And I wasted thousands of dollars following their terrible advice. 

But, because I made so many mistakes, I was forced to develop no-cost and low-cost strategies to promote my business and generate leads for free. Today, I will share these strategies with you so you don’t have to learn these lessons the hard way!

Remember: marketing is NOT about spending money. So, if you don’t want to waste your money on paid advertising that doesn’t work, you better stick around! 

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)How I Developed No-Cost Marketing Techniques (00:59)Why Generating Leads Is So Important (01:45)Don’t Waste ANY Money On Ads! (02:53)Technique #1: Write a Blog (05:14)Technique #2: Create a Podcast or YouTube Channel (07:56)Technique #3: Host Giveaways  (10:22)Technique #4: Host Workshops (11:28)My Final Point (12:16)Community Spotlight (12:41)Outro (13:26)

Additional Resources:

- Get a free trial to Credit Repair Cloud

- Get my free credit repair training  

- Top 5 Best Affiliate Partners for Credit Repair Businesses!

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