All your hard work, all your pressure, and persistence, all your expertise on behalf of your credit repair client... 

It all boils down to one simple number… The credit score.

But there is one big problem...

There are a ton of different scoring models! 

And it's really confusing! 

Which one is the best? Which one should I use? 

What's considered a good credit score? 

Well, today, I'm going to clear this up once and for all! 

So stick around!

Key Takeaways for This Week:

Everything you do as a credit repair expert comes down to THIS (0:00)Why are there so many different credit score scales? (1:03)The two most popular credit score scales - FICO vs. Vantage (1:58)Which credit score is the best? (2:47)The most important thing about credit monitoring (3:36)How to monitor your credit score with Credit Repair Cloud (4:04)

Additional Resources:

Get a free trial to Credit Repair CloudSign up for the Credit Hero Challenge

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