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Woohoo! You scored your first credit repair client!

… Now what? 

In my experience, most new Credit Heroes are so focused on hooking their first customer that they don't know what to do when they actually get one.

They don’t realize that they don’t even have a system in place yet to turn their leads into happy customers and lead-generating machines. 

This is where the art of onboarding comes into the picture!

Today, I will explain exactly how to onboard your first client, which software to use, and what to do after the onboarding is done. 

These tips will help you quickly scale your credit repair business, so you better stick around! 

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)What to Do When You Get Your First Customer? (01:01)The Onboarding Process (02:44)How Credit Repair Cloud Can Help You (04:17)What to Do After the Onboarding? (09:23)My Final Point (11:40)Credit Hero Score (12:14)Community Spotlight (12:39)Outro (13:37)

Additional Resources:

- Get a free trial to Credit Repair Cloud

- Get my free credit repair training  

- Top Software Automations to Grow Your Business!

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