Credit repair isn’t JUST about disputing! There are other ways to help your clients, change lives, and grow your business!

One way is to educate your clients on good financial choices and how they impact their credit scores. 

But there are also tons of financial products and services that can help you and your clients establish credit, build credit, or increase scores. 

In today’s episode, I’m gonna give you an overview of how you can help your clients and increase your revenue by using credit building products, and at the end of this podcast, I’m going to show you how to register for my brand new Credit Building Products FREE mini-workshop! 

It’s a 5-part series delivered straight to your email every morning, plus it comes with an awesome workbook! 

So stick around!

Key Takeaways for This Week:

- Top ways for helping your clients build their credit scores (0:00)

- How can credit repair owners need to utilize these credit building products? (1:38)

- Three types of credit building products (3:38)

- What is “credit utilization?” (4:52)

- The key differences between revolving and installment accounts (6:18)

- How to build credit by reporting rent and utility payments (7:39)

- Sign up for my FREE Credit Building Products mini-workshop! (8:41)

Additional Resources:

- Get a free trial to Credit Repair Cloud Here:

- Sign up for the Credit Hero Challenge Here:

- Get my free credit repair training:

- Register for my FREE Credit Building Products mini-workshop:

Make sure to subscribe so you stay up to date with our latest episodes!