Previous Episode: A Premature Parlour Purlieu

When our heroes walk out on the combination wake slash will reading, they wind their way into even more wildness. They pursue a possible suspect to a house of ill repute with permanent consequences. Remember this episode folks, it marks the birth of what will certainly be the longest-running NPC ever to spring fully formed from our collective minds, no bones about it.

We are playing Quest from The Adventurer's Guild, get your copy now at

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Evan Abrams is on Twitter and Instagram.

Caitlin Cadieux is on Twitter and Instagram. You can find her art at or follow @_smilodonna on Twitter and Instagram.

Kyle Hamrick is on Twitter and Instagram or

Emily Strickler is on Twitter and Instagram. You can find her design studio, Toast Design Studio of Oklahoma at

Be Brave. Take Chances. Roll the Dice.

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