As a designer who's worked almost exclusively for a marketing agency, I've noticed the divide that exists between designers who work freelance and those that work within larger firms. We are so much alike, yet our experiences can vary so widely since there are pros and cons to each path.

Even when I started out, the decision was whether to work for an agency – or perhaps internally within a company's own marketing department – or to head out on my own as a freelancer. And it begs the question, which is better, the freelance design life, or designing within an agency?

This week, Liz let me nerd out over design things with Joe Barsin, an Annapolitan freelance graphic designer whose work many Maryland locals will recognize under the Citizen Pride brand. He also brought us some awesome stickers, because he's just that cool.

With promptings from Liz, Joe and I talked about our own experiences in the agency and freelance worlds, and we discussed how Joe has managed projects as both a freelancer as well as creative director working with freelancers.

Check out the podcast below, and definitely check out Joe's design work!   

What Did We Talk About? Working as a freelancer versus working in an agency: which is better? Do you need a freelancer, or do you need an agency? How do we overcome the stigma against the term "freelance"? What keeps our creativity flowing and inspires us, whether we're freelance or in agencies? How do you manage freelance designers? As a freelancer, how do you collaborate with creative directors? How do you let go and delegate to freelancers?


Resources: Where to find Joe: JEB Design and Citizen Pride Artificial Intelligence article: "Why Cosabella replaced its agency with AI and will never go back to humans" Tsunami mural in Annapolis Creator's Block Episode 13: How to Give Better Feedback Shelby's "7 Things a Graphic Designer Isn't" blog post Annapolis Film Festival American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, DC The Baltimore Museum of Industry Maryland Historical Society The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore


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What did you think of this episode? Is there another topic or question you want us to take on? Or do you just want to say hi? Reach out to us on Twitter at @CreatorsBlockHQ or using the hashtag #creatorsblockparty. You can say hi to me at @shelbstheging and Liz at @naptownpint. You can also join us in the Creator's Block Podcast group on Facebook, where you can ask questions and get inspired.

And don’t forget - whether you love us or hate us - we would really appreciate you reviewing our podcast on iTunes

…until next week! 


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