As Quintain's dedicated content manager, I spend as much time creating content as I do reviewing content created by others. That means I have a front row seat to all of the editorial quirks and idiosyncracies of my fellow Quintain team members, our clients and... well, myself. (Alas, I am not perfect.)

Then, a couple of weeks ago, I noticed something that almost everyone was doing - again, including myself.

Most content creators - whether you're a marketer, or you're burning the midnight content oil for your own business - make wimpy word choices when framing their ideas or offering advice based on what is often years of experience. They play it safe and use apologetic language that undermines their authority and the power of their content. 

For those of you sitting there saying, "I'm not 100 percent sure what you mean, but I am not the kind of person to be a wimp about anything," I get it. In person, you stand behind your ideas. In meetings, you speak with conviction and confidence. But who are you once you get behind a keyboard?

You'd be surprised by how many people succumb to apologetic writing, no matter how much of a rockstar they are face-to-face. What's worse, they don't even realize they're doing it. 




Is there a great conspiracy against Liz? What does it mean to be apologetic in your writing? What words and phrases should you avoid as much as possible? Why is being too wishy-washy a bad thing, even with topics that obviously involve a lot of variables? Why do people naturally tend to write this way? How do you walk the line between professional and appropriate, without eroding your credibility? How do you write with confidence without also sounding like a jerk? How do you stop writing like an apologist once and for all? Which ice cream chain is now officially on notice?

"When I read a blog, I don’t want it to be filled with “maybes” and “might bes.” I want them to tell me what to do with some kind of authority."


"Stop making excuses for your content." 




Gmail plugin: Just Not Sorry Kickstarter: Vincent Van Gogh action figure



What did you think of this episode? Is there another topic or question you want us to take on? Or do you just want to say hi? Reach out to us on Twitter at @CreatorsBlockHQ or using the hashtag #creatorsblockparty. You can say hi to me at @naptownpint and Shelby at @shelbstheging. You can also join us in the Creator's Block Podcast group on Facebook, where you can ask questions and get inspired.

And don’t forget - whether you love us or hate us - we would really appreciate you reviewing our podcast on iTunes

…until next week! 

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