A few months ago, I posted a question to Inbound.org, asking users to tell me how they would rate their own company's logo, on a scale of one to 10, and why. The responses were all very positive, each a rating of nine or even 10, and I enjoyed reading the reasons behind the ratings, all of which were varied and completely subjective. 

But it gets us thinking – what is it that really makes a logo so great? How can you, someone in charge of your company's branding, make sure that your logo and other brand elements aren't outdated or missing the mark?

In this week's episode, Liz and I explore the way people critique their own brands, and how they reach out to others for feedback as well. Ultimately, we find there is a balance between you taking charge of your brand, as someone who truly knows their own business, versus bringing other knowledgeable stakeholders into the discussion to really make sure your logo and brand are achieving the goals they were designed for.



When should you consider a rebrand? Who should you consult for feedback on your logo and brand? How much feedback should you take into consideration, versus making your own judgments? How many people should be involved in critiquing your logo? What really makes a logo successful? What does it mean to have a flexible, multipurpose brand?




The infamous Tropicana rebrand Google's new logo and the goals that drove it Shelby's "9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Rebrand" Quiz Creator's Block Episode 24 – Where we talk about what really goes into a design or rebrand project Cool, nerdtastic podcast: 99% Invisible - Billy Possum The Power Pause This wonderful, and painfully accurate gif:



What did you think of this episode? Is there another topic or question you want us to take on? Or do you just want to say hi? Reach out to us on Twitter at @CreatorsBlockHQ or using the hashtag #creatorsblockparty. You can say hi to me at @shelbstheging and Liz at @naptownpint. You can also join us in the Creator's Block Podcast group on Facebook, where you can ask questions and get inspired.

And don’t forget - whether you love us or hate us - we would really appreciate you reviewing our podcast on iTunes

…until next week! 

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