Episode links:

Kira's website: https://www.kiramatthews.com/

Kira's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kirathebold/

Future self 90 day journal: https://www.kiramatthews.com/shop/p/the-future-self-guide-book

Episode overview:

Introduction to Kira Matthews and her mission

Confidence as a founder, including:

- How it doesn't have to be something you hold all the time

- Confidence of being yourself - find your unique strengths and don't try and embody someone else's confidence.

- Sometimes confidence doesn't even matter, it's about taking steps in fear and growing.

Why journalling is so important

Three journal prompts that may help you scale, including:

- write 7 wins and acknowledge your part in it

- how can the challenges you are facing now help you in achieving your goal

- how is your product/service the best option for your customer - write down 10 reasons