Previous Episode: Toby Boyle
Next Episode: Sonia McNally Part 2

Sonia McNally

This is part one of an amazing story

Sonia is a visionary artist, living and working in Faversham, Kent, exhibiting internationally, producing public commissions and teaching She weave strands of main-stream religion with more esoteric thought, working with theurgic practice and Ignatian Spirituality and she makes work onsite in ancient and wild landscapes. Sonia says 'For me this is where the worlds of dream, the imagination, mysticism converge, and through this elemental portal, I can explore recurring subjects and motifs, like the sacred, folklore and the related iconography. My artistic expression takes many forms - painting, drawing, printmaking, glass, sculpture, construction, through to ritualistic film, performance and running residential landscape painting trips. Prior to studying Fine Art, I freelanced as a set builder, costume and props maker working for The National Theatre, various art department and construction roles for film and TV, building Ralph Lauren window displays, creating party sets for big advertising agencies, working on community art projects, and a wedding lighting business with giant kinetic lanterns. My plan: To lead and extraordinary life'. Sonia was taught by Terrence Cummings For more details contact [email protected]

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