Previous Episode: Aidan Wachter

NLP Timelines- Magic it up    The NLP timelines are process developed by Tad James in the 1980s, they used the concept that we store memories in a linear fashion. However, things get really interesting when we use techniques such as dowsing or shamanic journeying, on these timelines which is not part of NLP.(well they are disguised)  If making a map is a magical act where you are going is also magical, NLP timelines create an imaginary map in time. To discover the directionality of your time think of something that you did yesterday, where is it situated as a memory? Is it behind you to the left? Or is it directly behind you? Now think of something that you plan to do tonight and then something for tomorrow, then connect those thoughts. Where they are situated to the thoughts of the past? This becomes the timeline that you can walk. listen for how you can apply these ideas creatively    To support the podcast and get access to features about guitar playing and song writing visit
and also news for all the creative music that we do at Bluescamp UK and France visit

NLP Timelines- Magic it up    The NLP timelines are process developed by Tad James in the 1980s, they used the concept that we store memories in a linear fashion. However, things get really interesting when we use techniques such as dowsing or shamanic journeying, on these timelines which is not part of NLP.(well they are disguised)  If making a map is a magical act where you are going is also magical, NLP timelines create an imaginary map in time. To discover the directionality of your time think of something that you did yesterday, where is it situated as a memory? Is it behind you to the left? Or is it directly behind you? Now think of something that you plan to do tonight and then something for tomorrow, then connect those thoughts. Where they are situated to the thoughts of the past? This becomes the timeline that you can walk. listen for how you can apply these ideas creatively    To support the podcast and get access to features about guitar playing and song writing visit and also news for all the creative music that we do at Bluescamp UK and France visit