Next Episode: Jon Peel

Clive Hedger –

It was great chatting to Clive about his varied artistic work as a musician, dancer, bee keeper and artist, there is much deep wisdom here which shows an aspect of creativity which comes from trust.

Artist Statement

Adopted by bees, the wild places and the secret depths of the heart, my paintings reveal the forgotten language of remembering. Combining the traditional oil painting methods with modern visionary imagery, my work speaks in the old language, woven with the sacred threads and heralding a renewed connection to the living earth. As a deep prayer and with great reverence for the sacred spark carried throughout time, the mysteries are rendered as always, hidden, but in plain view. Invoking connection to the plants, the animals and all that is seen and unseen. It is my wish to dedicate my art as a guide map for the symbolic landscapes To inspire, transform and reveal the alchemic, shamanic and sacred within all people.

Check out Clive’s amazing work by visiting[0]&__xts__[1]&__xts__[2]=68.ardsd7uwsued...

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Big thanks to Josh Ferrara for the music