Figuring out your life’s purpose can feel like a daunting endeavor. It’s such a big question, and we often confuse purpose with career.  We can get lost in our thoughts when we try to answer the question, “Why am I here?” But if you’re out of alignment with your purpose, it can throw your whole entrepreneurial “ecosystem” off. Your purpose is not something that will box you in or keep you small- it will make you feel expansive.

I’ve always had an innate sense of my own purpose: to take my soul on a hell of a journey. I have a vision that I will be on my deathbed laughing at where I ended up. The more I accept and embody my purpose, the more it grows and attracts others. To dive deeper into finding your purpose, I’ve brought on author and “edutainer” Sashka Hanna-Rappl. Sashka is the creator of Soul Brand Marketing® and Brand Your Soul® where she awakens leaders to re-connect and fulfill their life purpose and leave their mark in the world.

To find clarity about why you’re here on this Earth, download this episode now.


“Done is better than perfect.” - Sashka Hanna-Rappl

Highlights - Life purpose has nothing to do with your profession.  Sashka’s Soul Tribe are creative visionaries with an underdog mentality who are dormant leaders. Universal desires: freedom, to be desired, sense of achievement, and to support something that matters. The reason we feel disconnected is that an aspect of our life is out of alignment.  If you know where you’re going to land, it’s not a Quantum Leap. When you’re swinging from vine to vine, you have to let go. A worksheet for achieving what you want: In the first column, list the things you want to become. In the second column, write the things that are keeping you from that. In the third column, write your limiting beliefs. Clarity often happens when you talk it out.

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Sashka's Website Sashka's Twitter Sashka's Facebook Sashka's Book: Soul'd Out: A Guide To Finding Your Life Purpose. Sashka's Podcast: No Name Brand Podcast Contact Jeffrey - Website Coaching support My book, LINGO: Discover Your Ideal Customer's Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible is now available! Watch my TEDx LincolnSquare video and please share!  Mentions - The Jumanji Trailer Alice in Wonderland Resources - Have Your Website Brand Message Reviewed! Is your website and are all your marketing materials speaking the right LINGO of your ideal customers? Often it's not which is why you're not converting traffic and leads to clients and attracting your most profitable customers. Fill out the simple LINGO Review application and I'll take a look at your website. If I have suggestions for you to improve your brand message (I almost always do), we'll set up a complimentary 30-minute call to discuss. A select number of websites are also chosen for my LINGO Review Video Series. Fill out the application today and let's get your business speaking the right LINGO! Music by Jawn


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