Gratitude is a personal practice that takes place internally. It can retrain your brain away from negativity and make you more aware of the good around you. So how can we take gratitude and give it an exponential effect? One way to make it active is by sending thank-you notes.

I often think about sending thank-you notes but rarely make the time for it. However, I believe that when the world develops in one direction, the opposite is also true. We are becoming an electronically-based world, which is why people, more than ever, treasure handwritten notes. Once you get in the habit of spreading thanks to people in your past, present, and future, you’ll become more joyful.

To dive deeper into the idea of spreading thanks, I’ve brought on change agent, author, and speaker Elena Anguita. In 2017, she launched the Spread Thanks revolution, a movement to encourage personal gratefulness through the sending of daily thank you notes. Her enthusiasm and professionalism are putting this simple, yet transformational practice on the map as more and more people are creating miracles in their lives through gratitude.

To learn how to develop your own practice of daily thank-you notes, download this episode now.


“The time has come to magnify positivity in the world.” - Elena Anguita

Highlights - The difference between spreadings thanks and gratitude is that spreading thanks is active. Elena sends a thank-you note every day. Hand-writing a thank-you note vs. email: it takes longer to handwrite a thank-you note which allows your energy to shift. Sending thank-you notes to people who are no longer here can be cathartic. Write a thank-you note in advance for the outcome you desire.

Guest Contact -

Elena's Website Elena's Twitter Elena's Book Spread Thanks: Create Miracles Through the Power of Ink
Contact Jeffrey - Website Coaching support My book, LINGO: Discover Your Ideal Customer's Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible is now available! Watch my TEDx LincolnSquare video and please share!  Resources - Have Your Website Brand Message Reviewed! Is your website and are all your marketing materials speaking the right LINGO of your ideal customers? Often it's not which is why you're not converting traffic and leads to clients and attracting your most profitable customers. Fill out the simple LINGO Review application and I'll take a look at your website. If I have suggestions for you to improve your brand message (I almost always do), we'll set up a complimentary 30-minute call to discuss. A select number of websites are also chosen for my LINGO Review Video Series. Fill out the application today and let's get your business speaking the right LINGO! Music by Jawn


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