What is the difference between the right and left side of the brain? We’re going to take a very left brain look at the right side of the brain to understand the nature of creativity and figure out what creates breakthrough ideas, the creative process, and how we can learn to speak the language of creativity. Today we’re going to learn what strategies to take on in order to accomplish the language of creativity, and how to apply it to your everyday life.

Larry Robertson is an eight time award winning author of “A Deliberate Pause: Entrepreneurship and Its Moment in Human Progress.” His latest book is “The Language of Man: Learning to Speak Creativity.” He is the founder of two ventures, one for profit, and one non-profit. He is a highly respected thought leader in creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, advising individuals and organizations across a broad spectrum. Larry’s a graduate of Stanford University and NorthWestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, and a former agile professor of entrepreneurship at Georgetown University.

WARRIOR of Humor

“The most inspirational things for me consist of two things: they’re powerful now, and they become more powerful in time”- Larry Robertson

Highlights - Be playful! Press the edges of your comfort zones Strive for the impossible so you can make them real tomorrow Learning creativity is like learning a new language. In order to move forward in any meaningful way you have to have a balance between the two: creativity and orderly Every interaction, even with the same client, is never the same. There is always a new element A breakthrough space is a space you create Practice noticing: notice things you may have not seen before We tend to think of creativity in terms of the output Guest Contact - Larry's Website Larry on Twitter and Facebook  Larry's Linkedin Larry's Books A Deliberate Pause  The Language of Man: Learning to Speak Creativity Resources - BlueHost
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