Whether your life's going swimmingly well or it has its challenges, there are always times we wish we could hit a reset button. That’s the wonderful thing about having a whole new year ahead of you. That doesn’t mean you wipe out what has been, it means you can take a fresh look, start anew, and make some empowering choices. This is both an inside job, and it takes commitment and action. So for this, our special New Year’s episode, we offer you an opportunity to consider a work-life reset. 

Fawn Germer will reach inside of you and pull out your best self by showing you how to get beyond the self-limiting behaviors that hold so many of us back.Fawn is a four-time, Pulitzer-nominated investigative journalist and the author of seven books including the Oprah pick Hard Won Wisdom, and her latest book, is Work-Life Reset.

Fawn has interviewed more than 300 of the most accomplished leaders of our times, including everyone from Hillary Clinton to Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer. She has talked to Olympic athletes, CEOs, prime ministers, presidents, Academy Award winners, and many other trailblazers who shared with her the secrets of true success. From them, she learned that success is born in risk, and power comes from the self-awareness that disables doubt and self-esteem issues.


WARRIOR of Badass Fawn

“Time is something that does not come in infinite supply”- Fawn Germer

Highlights - A reset is when you really need to make a new change, set new boundaries, and start over There’s no do-over in life, why waste a minute? You can always pack up your talent and go Anytime is a good time for a reset, not just New Years Choose a big, bold, meaningful life and take steps to make that happen Fear as a motivating factor puts things into perspective Wake yourself up before something else gives you a wake up call You have to set time aside where it is yours, and you are going to do this for yourself Manifest what you want in your life Guest Contact - Fawn's Website, Fawn on Twitter Fawn's books:  Work-Life RESET Resources - BlueHost
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