Being a creative warrior and an entrepreneur takes bravery. If you weren’t courageous you wouldn’t have taken the leap to where you are today. But courage is also an ongoing action. To live our best lives we need to be always challenging and pushing at our comfort zone.

Margie Warrell is the author of Brave, Stop Playing Safe, and Find Your Courage, as well as a speaker and entrepreneur. She’s talking with me about what it means to be brave every single day. Bravery isn’t always about jumping out of an airplane! Instead, Margie’s explaining how to interrogate you assumptions about reality and pay attention to what’s amplifying your fear. We’re also getting into being vulnerable, owning your own influence, and Margie’s 10 Day Train the Brave Challenge.


“If you didn’t have to prove yourself to anybody, what would you do?- Margie Warrell

Highlights - Unless we’re willing to be brave and take risks we’ll never have peace within ourselves. Risk is taking emotional and personal leaps. Being courageous is admitting that you don’t know if you’re going to succeed and going forward anyways. What we focus on expands our reality. Set boundaries and borders in your life. Vulnerability doesn’t mean sharing everything with everyone all the time. Think about who will benefit from hearing your story and why you’re sharing it before you start. Step back from your reality and interrogate what assumptions and beliefs you have bought into that might not be serving you. It’s not what you think you fear, it’s what you link to fear. Own your own influence and power. Other people will see you as a leader if you see yourself as one. Guest Contact - Margie's Website, Margie on Twitter Margie's Training Program Code: CreativeWarriors Margie's books:  Brave: 50 Everyday Acts of Courage to Thrive in Work, Love and Life Stop Playing Safe: Rethink Risk, Unlock the Power of Courage, Achieve Outstanding Success Find Your Courage: 12 Acts for Becoming Fearless at Work and in Life

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