I was asked recently what I thought the #1 thing was that people needed to know that would make the biggest difference in their business and life. That's no easy question to answer! It was a case of knowing the answer but not having the words to describe it. I've given it a lot of thought so that I could not only answer the question but actually offer you something to do with it. An understanding of the concept and ideas on how to make something of it. So here it is. What I believe is the #1 thing that will make a difference in your business and life.

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"Reciprocity is a mutual communication that results in co-creating what you want." - Jeffrey Shaw

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Contact Jeffrey - Website Coaching support Available for speaking Resources - Masterclass: Learn how to attract the RIGHT customers that value what you do and pay you what you're ACTUALLY worth! In the Masterclass, I reveal the one strategy that made me millions so that you can have the business of your dreams and work ONLY with your RIGHT CLIENTS! Click here to register or text Warrior to number 33444 to sign up today. Getting your point across in business can be tricky. Grammarly uses a browser extension to check your text for spelling and grammatical errors anytime you write something online to help you avoid mistakes in comments, tweets, and status updates. Get access to your own private editor 24/7! Regain time and transform your commute, workout or chores into fun, productive ME TIME! Audible books are offering a free audio book, try it, like it and stay or cancel and keep your free Audible book. Music by Jawn