Hard work doesn’t have to be a struggle. Pouring your energy into a project isn’t the same experience as struggling, although it can feel like you can’t have one without the other. The truth is, it’s when we’re not fully focused on what we’re doing that the struggle comes in – we start to worry or listen to our negative assumptions, and stop being present in the current moment.


Our expert guest, Roger Housden, is here to talk about what it means to struggle and how we can release ourselves from it by welcoming our own reality and addressing our assumptions.Struggle is an internal challenge that will cause us pain if we don’t work through it.

Roger Housden is an author, a speaker, and a writer. He has published more than 27 books and has had work appear in Oprah Magazine, the New York Times, and the LA Times. His most recent book is Dropping the Struggle, 7 Way to Love the Life You Have.

He currently runs writing workshops online and in person, with a focus on personal discovery and exploration.

WARRIOR of Stillness

“So much of our struggle actually consists in trying not to have what we do have and trying to have what we don’t have.” - Roger Housden

Highlights - When effort and hard work become struggle Welcoming and allowing fear into your experience Accepting the unknown as an important part of the creative process Addressing the difference between your assumptions and reality Feeling the pressure of constantly focusing on the future Resources - BlueHost
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The easiest way I know to get inspired when reading is not an option is with AudibleBooks. You can regain time and transform your commute, workout or chores into fun, productive ME TIME! Audible books are offering a free audio book, try it, like it and stay or cancel and keep your free Audible book. Visit creativewarriorsunite.com/audible for our offer or click on the link in the show notes. New Free MasterClass:
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Books -

Dropping the Struggle: 7 Ways to Love the Life You Have

Other books by Roger Housden

Mentions - “Be helpless, dumbfounded, unable to say yes or no, then a stretcher will come from grace to gather us up” – Rumi “Amor fati” – Friedrich Nietzche

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