Have you ever considered a crowdfunding campaign to support one of your creative endeavors? Have you been unsure if crowdfunding is right for you or the thought totally overwhelms you! We have the leading expert on crowdfunding here to help reset our perspective on crowdfunding and the development of your community.

Ariel specifically discusses how to build a crowd, get a campaign ready, and run a powerful and profitable crowdfunding campaign. Her latest book is Crowdstart: The Ultimate Guide to a Powerful and Profitable Crowdfunding Campaign is an exceptional book for anyone who wants to create or support another with crowdfunding.

Ariel Hyatt has been a fierce entrepreneur for 20 years and runs Cyber PR, a dynamic social media & content strategy company based in New York City. Her agency places clients on blogs & podcasts establishes their online brands, and coaches them to create authentic relationships. She has spoken in 12 countries and is the author of four books on social media for artists, two of which have hit number one on Amazon.

Highlights -

How crowd funding impacts your community

3 distinct types of communities

Tips on building a crowdfund

Emotional engagement

Science behind successful crowd funding




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Audible Books

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New Free MasterClass:

Warriors, if 80% of your income comes from 20% of your clients, 80% of your clients are the wrong clients! Imagine what it would be like to have almost 100% of your income come from all your clients because you're working with the right clients. Learn how knowing their secret language will attract your right clients— people who value what you do and are eager to pay you what you’re worth. To register for this new masterclass, go to YourRightClients.com, and I'll see you in the masterclass!

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Book Crowdstart: The Ultimate Guide to a Powerful and Profitable Crowdfunding Campaign


Gift:Propel your business forward and register for Week of The Warrior for free. A 7-day mini-course to learn how to leverage your creative powers.  

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