We all know the creative process is, well just that, a process. It takes presence, principles, and practice to create a rewarding process. Our guest today is sharing her insights on the creative process and discusses her soon to be release series, Go Creative!

Orna Ross is a London based Irish writer of novels, poems and the founder of the Alliance of Independent Authors. The Bookseller named her one of the 100 most influential people in publishing! Formerly a features journalist and lecturer in Creative and Imaginative Practice at University College Dublin she currently spends time in a place very close to her heart, creating and supporting others in their creative process.

It's a rare opportunity for a creator to share their processes, inner thoughts, and suggestions for being in an optimum state to create, and a blessing. We are thrilled Orna spent the time to discuss her work and share a poem, which was like seeing light through the trees at sunrise.