Trigger Warning - Suicide

Thomas and I spoke of the loss of his youngest son to suicide and how that has affected the way he now listens to people and how he navigates the world

Thomas is a writer and college writing teacher living in Southern California. A little over three years ago, his youngest son took his life at 17. This shattered the lives of his family and challenged any faith he had. Thomas has journeyed to discover how to live again.

You can find Thomas here:  

Twitter: tallbaugh1 

Facebook: Thomas Allbaugh


September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day

An estimated 800 000 people die by suicide worldwide each year. It can affect every one of us. Each and every suicide is devastating and has a profound impact on those around them.  However, by raising awareness, reducing the stigma around suicide, and encouraging well-informed action, we can reduce instances of suicide around the world.

This year’s World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) theme is ‘Creating Hope Through Action’. It is a reminder that there is an alternative to suicide and aims to inspire confidence and light in all of us; that our actions, no matter how big or small, may provide hope to those who are struggling. Preventing suicide is often possible. Through action, we can all play a role in supporting those experiencing a suicidal crisis or those bereaved by suicide.

How to participate in WSPD?

World Health Suicide Prevention Day will take place on 10 September 2021.

Go to the WSPD website to explore resources, education and gain a better understanding of WSPD -  

Watch the IASP Step Closer Video -  

Light a candle to remember - 

You can find your host Larissa Russell here; 

You can find the host Larissa Russell here:

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