Kimberly and I spoke about spirit guiding her to where she needed to go in life, and how she found and started to use her mystic gift.

Kimberly Crowe is an Everyday Mystic

Kimberly is an internationally known visionary teacher, artist and transformational healer with 30 years' experience. She’s a Code activator and is the Sacred Witness to the Inner Awakened Mastery ("I Am") Retonements.

Guided by your authentic power Kimberly can tap directly into your soul to help you achieve your purpose and passions in life. With precise inner vision and loving compassion, Kimberly will work with you to identify and release energetic blocks and imbalances that have kept you limited. She can assist you in letting go of fear and negative thought patterns so you can truly live your most passionate and successful life!

Kimberly witnesses the matrices of the Divine (and not so Divine). She uses this awareness to transmit multidimensional healing frequencies infused in Light Codes. She assists the awakening of your Mastery purpose for its highest expression, bypassing the mind strongholds and clearing obstacles to destiny embodiment. She can help you achieve your heart's desires by tuning into, clearing and harmonizing your unique energy system. Her true gift is she sees the gift that you are within your full potential.

You can find Kimberly here:

Tik Tok: IAM Kimberly Crowe

You can find your host Larissa Russell here: 

You can find the host Larissa Russell here:

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