I had a great conversation with Nicole, about walking our talk and doing what we tell others to do. How important that is for keeping yourself on track. Also knowing your why of what you do… or want to do.

We also talked about being superwomen and looking at unpacking how we can find more balance in our lives. We do not need to do it all. Changing our mindset to make changes in our lives. 

Nicole Burgess is a licensed psychotherapist and leadership coach to introverted, sensitive, purpose-driven professional women. She is also the host of Soulfilled Sisterhood podcast and founder of the Self-Care Summit: Improve Your Bottom Line and Your Personal Life. 

Over the last fifteen years, she has coached, guided and collaborated with over a 1,000 women. She helps them break free from perfectionism, demote their inner critic, embrace their fears through action, and grow professionally without sacrificing their personal life. As a result, they are more productive at work, have more meaningful relationships, and no longer sacrifice their well-being for others.

Free Gift: 10 Signs You Might Be a Perfectionist! https://nicoleburgesscoaching.com/perfectionist

Find my books at https://www.amazon.com/Larissa-Russell/e/B085N9G2S9?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2&qid=1599597183&sr=8-2 

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