I firmly believe in the healing power of art. I've seen the effects up close and personal. Art is my passion! As a mixed media artist, layering texture and color in an intuitive manner helps me weave a visual history. My goal is to provide a mysterious and intriguing surface, engaging you, the viewer.

I find words especially appealing and much of my work is inspired by books and poetry. I encourage students to use color and shape to explore a subject while allowing them to personally connect with the artwork, inventing their own story.

I often work in a series and working on multiple pieces with an over-arching theme allows me to explore and communicate my concept in many different ways. Having my students work in a series really allows them to dig deep into the emotional well.

I will be featured in the Jan-March issues of House & Garden UK in 2020. I am participating in the 2020 Art is Magic make-create-express creative journey. I also participated in Art Bundles for Good #4 in the fall of 2019.


You can find the host Larissa Russell here:

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