Episode 108 featuring Dan Henk: End of the World

Dan & I spoke of his journey from homeless youth to his NYC fame as an artist, writer, and tattooist.

Dan is a shop owner, published writer,  artist, and MMA competitor,

Dan started out as a homeless, heavy drinking punk rocker. Growing tired of being a loser pretty fast, he managed to acquire his first job at Chuck E Cheez and kept scaling up from there. 

Putting himself through art school, he moved to NYC to make it as an artist, eventually having his 15 minutes of fame.

Along the way, he was stabbed by a crackhead, broke the window of a flipped car with his face, and came down with brain cancer. His wife died in a hit and run, Dan also had a  car hit him while the driver was texting and he woke up in the hospital, and his truck flipped traversing unmarked rural construction and he recovered consciousness in the woods.

Dan says unless we are all living in the Matrix, he seems to be still alive. There's a running theory he’s a cyborg.

You can find Dan here:




You can find his new book End of the World here https://danhenk.com/end-of-the-world/

You can find your host Larissa Russell here:





You can find the host Larissa Russell here:

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