About 50% of companies with at least 500 employees offer scholarships as a
benefit for their employees and their children. 

Going back to school is never an easy thing to do.

For those who start college but don't finish, or life happens and you never quite made it there, corporate scholarships are a great way to use your current situation to create a better one for yourself. 

Luckily. about 27% of all companies provide some form of tuition assistance for employees and sometimes even their dependents. About 50% of companies with at least 500 employees offer scholarships as a benefit for their employees and their children. 

Company-sponsored scholarships can help increase the number of low-income students who graduate college, and aren't held back due to personal circumstances out of their control. The programs are aren't easy to host, with many questions to be figured out by HR, so it's great that many employers still try to make a difference in the lives of their workers. 

Here are 5 of the best company-sponsored scholarships for employees: 

1. AT&T

AT&T offers their employees a very attractive incentive to work for them and stay for the long haul. After working for them for just one year, you may be eligible to receive up to $20,000 for undergraduate studies and $5,000 more for graduate studies. AT&T employees receive $3,500 per year to spend on educational resources and classes to further their education. 

2. Bank of America

While some companies may require you to be employed by them for a year or more to receive tuition reimbursement, not Bank of America. While working for this finance giant, employee who have been with the company for at least six months can receive over $5,000 for tuition, books and more. 

3. Comcast

Comcast employees are getting more than most in tuition reimbursement with the company giving employees almost $6,000 annually for undergrad and grad school. Comcast also gives out $1,000 in scholarships to students who don't work for them. 


RELATED: Should I Go To Grad School? Eight Things To Consider Before Applying To Graduate School  

4. Disney

This family-friendly company will pay up to $700 per course credit along with the full coverage for books and $100 going towards any other materials you might need for class. The only catch is these courses must be related to your job duties, but since so many skills are transferable, this shouldn't limit an employees options. 

5. Proctor & Gamble

Proctor & Gamble might just have one of the best tuition assistance programs for employees yet. Their employees can further their education in a way that relates to their current duties or their next role and the company will pay for 80% of the cost. Proctor & Gamble has a lifetime cap of $40,000 but that is still extremely generous since it might not limit you in terms of school choice. 


Have you ever taken advantage of company-sponsored scholarships?