Getting your credit score up, paying off debts and building up savings is
all a part of growing up and building wealth in your adult life.

The average American household owes over $100,00 in debt and doesn't even have enough money in the bank to cover an emergency that costs a few hundred dollars.

Costs are rising and more people are trying to find ways to live their fullest life on the budget they have. Getting your credit score up, paying off debts and building up savings is all a part of growing up and building wealth in your adult life.

Here are 10 books that will help you get your personal finances in order:

The Millionaire next door - Thomas J. Stanley

This book explores the research of the authors and their in depth interviews with millionaires all over the country. You'll learn how much millionaires are willing to spend on everyday things, their educational background and even the types of people they marry. I f you want to learn to live below your means, this is the book to learn from. 

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Oringinally, Think and Grow Rich was written as a personal development book that was written after suggestions from Andrew Carnegie. This books has inspired millions of people in its 80 year life, and has been read by successful entreprenuers such as Daymond John. This book chronicles 500 interviews conducted by a poor jorunalist, as he shares their wisdom. 

Rich dad poor dad  - Robert Kiyosaki

Kiyosaki believed that it didn't matter what your age was or what your profession was, if you spent less than you earned, you were well on your way. He teaches in this book that passive income is the key t financial freedom. 


RELATED: 7 ways to start a successful side hustle with no money  


The Science of getting rich  - Wallace Wattle

Wallace Wattle teaches you in this book how to build wealth the ethical way, use positive to get what you want and using creativity instead of competitiveness to survive. 

The choose you guide to wealth  - James Altucher

Since it's release this book has changed he way people think about the financial landscape and is the only finance book that details how the author actually makes his own money. This books is perfect for side hustlers with lots of grit and thick skin - it's all about using new ideas to become rich in a sinking economy. 

The money book for the young, fabulous and broke - Suze Orman

Suze Orman is a great voice in money and is very good at determining whether or not you can truly afford to buy something. In addition to her hit TV show where she determines you financial ability, her books will give you great insight on how you can be smart about your money early on in life. 

The total money makeover - Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey takes you through his seven step process of becoming debt and finaicially fit in this detailed book. Ramsey is known for his radio show where he gives free financial advice to the entire nation but in this book you'll learn practical ways to give your money a makeover. 

I will teach you to be rich - Ramit Sethi

Ramit Sethi teaches in his book a sex week financial control crash course on optimizing your credit score, setting up no-fee bank accounts, opening investment accounts, automating your infrastructure and more. This book will teach you how to be banks and credit card companies at their own game. 

Unshakeable: Your financial freedom playbook - Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins teams up with the the #1 financial in the U.S Paul Mallouk, to teach people how to maintain their piece in a bad economy and actually profit of it instead of letting immobilize and terrify you. 

Make your kid a money genius - Beth Kobliner

If you grew up to be an adult that didn't know how to manage your money, this is a must read for you as an adult. Beth Kobliner teaches parents to make their kids money smart as early as toddlers, even if they aren't themselves. 


What are some personal finance books that have helped you?