At each stage of our lives there a big purchases to be made and budgets to
adhere to. Here are 10 money experts that can help you through whatever
financial challenges you have. 

Having credible resources to rely is so important once you've made the decision to get your finances together. Whether you just graduated from college or have been established for a while, being smart about your money is always a learning experience. At each stage of our lives there a big purchases to be made and budgets to adhere to.

Here are 10 money experts that can help you through whatever financial challenges you have:


Tonya Rapley, My Fab Finance

Image: Twitter 

Tonya Rapley is the founder of award winning financial education blog, My Fab Finance. She leads a community of ambitious people who have payed off over $200,000 in debt combined and counting. She's been named the 'The New Face of Wealth Building' by Black Enterprise, and her work speaks for itself. If you're serious about financial freedom, check her out. 

Tiffany Aliche, The budgetnista 

Image: The Budgetnista 

Tiffany Aliche is one of America's favorite financial educators. She's the author of best seller The One Week Budget and her blog the Budgetnista helps people live richer though education and financial literacy. 

Kara Stevens, the Frugal Feminista

Kara's motto is "be happy, be wealthy, be brave" and works to train people to do so. On her own journey of eliminating over $65k in debt, she learned so much about money that she decided to chronicle her wisdom on her blog. If you want to pay off your large debts fast, she's the one to turn to. 

Marsha Barnes, the finance bar

Image: The Finance Bar 

Marsha has been named a finance tech leader in the industry due to her work connecting individuals to financial wellness. She offers a member hub, one on one coaching and even has an app that shows you where your money is going. If you're looking for a more personalized approach to getting your money right, The Finance Bar might be worth a shot. 

Bola Onada Sokunbi, Clever girl finance

Bola is a certified financial education instructor and money expert. Bola can teach you how to build wealth on an average salary, seeing as she saved over $100,000 in three years when she wasn't even making close to that at her job.

Dominique Broadway, Finances Demystified

Image: Dominique 

Dominique is the an award-winning financial planner, personal finance coach and founder of Finances Demystified. She hold her Bacheloer's degree in business with a focus on banking and has worked at top brokerage firms handling investments for clients with $10 million in assets. She can help anyone at any point in their financial journey. 

Carrie Pink, fiance stylist

Image: Your Financial Stylist 

Carrie Pink is a financial stylist that teaches women how to continue to enojy the things they love, even on a budget. Pink teaches women how to budget correctly, so they don't have to cut off things like shopping and beatuy in order to save money. If you want your coins but can't give up the mall, Carrie is your girl. 

Kendra James, finance femme 

Image: Twitter 

Kendra James is a financial consultant for women in business. If you own your own business she can act as what she calls your "surrogate CFO" and help you make better business decisions. 

Kristin Sutton LPC

Image: Debt Free Black Girl 

Kristin is the founder of Debt Free Black Girl. After digging herself $10k out of the hole in a year and turning her entire life around, she now helps others to do the same. BDFG is an online resource for young women who want to change the way they think about money. 


Michelle Singletary

Image: Michelle

Michelle is a finance columnist for the Washington Post, and author of 'The 21 day Financial Fast'. Her column "The color of Money" is printed in hundred of newspapers and has even gotten her national awards. 


Who are some finance experts that you follow? 

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