Sharvette began her journey as a branding expert at a friend’s table about twelve years ago.

What started with web design has grown into a successful, multifaceted business helping female entrepreneurs to build online platforms so that they generate more revenue with an amazing personal brand. 

She works with clients on visibility and marketing with one on one consulting, group coaching programs, web design services, social media coaching, and conferences.

As retailers, we so often provide a high-touch service for our customers. Sharvette explains how personal branding, storytelling, and cohesive experience help to make your business more liked and trusted in your customer’s mind. 

I’m so excited for you to drink in Sharvette’s expertise and advice for artists and small retailers! Dive in to learn how to harness the power of branding to create cohesive, stellar experiences for your customers. 

You can snag Sharvette’s free Website Planner here:

So, my friend, how does your retail business use branding to shine? Share how you use branding in your own business in the Rockstar Creatives FB community!

Topics Discussed:

How branding goes beyond just a good logo How to use branding to marry in-person and online experiences The importance of personal branding if you’re a small retailer or artist A few important aspects of getting your website to look its best Follow Sharvette Mitchell

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IG - @sharvettem

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