Everyone deals with stress and anxiety in this busy world. It would be unreasonable to think that you can get through the day without a noisy, ego-mind reminding you of everything that is going wrong or worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. 

Instead of reprogramming your ego-mind, in this episode we give you a powerful alternative. What if you could direct your mind from a higher place that brings more peace and joy anywhere anytime, regardless of your life circumstances?

We will share:

How your mind is not who you really are and who is the real you.You need to understand the nature of the mind so you can deal with itHow to discipline the mind without fixing your thoughts.How your thoughts are not real and how to access the pure awareness that is within you that is the only real part of you

Episode Exercise: Empty Space Meditation Exercise. Rob explains an easy meditation that you can do whenever you are feeling overwhelmed to quickly bring you to peace of mind and clarity so you can direct your mind to work for you instead of reacting to it all the time.


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