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Have you wondered if you could get hypnotized to change your life? You see it in movies as some blank state where the person is powerless to control of the hypnotist or something than can erase memories. In this episode we explore the state of hypnosis and how it can change your life.

Debra Berndt Maldonado is a highly-trained clinical hypnotherapist and has personally helped thousands of people with her hypnotic tools. Her book, LET LOVE IN: Open Your Heart & Mind to Attract Your Ideal Partner (Wiley 2010) is all about how to use hypnosis to attract love.

What is hypnosis and debunking the mythsHow the stage hypnotists get people to do things that look sillyHow you can use the hypnotic state to access a higher awareness within you and use suggestions to change the way you think and feelAre past-lives and regressed memories real?How in the hypnotic state you open the doorway to the Creative Mind and all of its power and that suggestions made in the state are 1000x more powerful than saying affirmations.

Episode Exercise: Self-hypnosis. Debra leads you through a quick self-hypnosis exercise you can do every day to shift your mind and get into a relaxed state instantly. She explains how to write affirmations that work in your hypnotic state for faster results.

One of the main tools that we teach our students in our Creative Mind Coach training program is how to effectively use visualization to help a client make changes in their life. Debra has developed hundreds of visualizations and her visualization videos on YouTube have received millions of views. There is extensive research on visualization and its effectiveness. While athletes use it to prepare for a sport, any person can use it to master their life. Visualization enables a person to use their Creative Mind to shift their perspective, work with emotions, uncover what is unconscious and focus their mind on what they truly want in life so they can achieve their desires.

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