If you are feeling anxious about things being out of control in your life, this episode explains the three qualities of being according to The Bhagavad Gita, specifically the Gunas - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.

Tamas is inertia and depressed, static, non-active state. Rajas is the hurried state chasing things, spinning and reacting to life circumstances. Sattva is the highest state which is love and happiness and perceiving the world with the right understanding.

Explore these concepts with us as we explain how to apply this in your every day life to cultivate that "enlightened mind" so you can make better choices, feel more at peace and create your life in a conscious way.

If you want to explore this topic in a deeper way, join us for our free 7-part course  - 7 Spiritual Principles for the Awakening Soul - https://creativemindmethod.com/7-spiritual-principles-of-the-awakening-soul/


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