Michelle Kulp is a Book Launch Expert, Publishing Specialist, and 20x #1 Bestselling Author. She’s helped over 250 authors become #1 bestselling authors with her Best-Selling Author Program.

In this episode, we discuss her story of being a single mom who got tired of working in a high-stress nine-to-five corporate job to become a successful entrepreneur. Getting fired may have put her out of her misery, but her meeting with Bill Ray Cyrus changed the trajectory of her life, and began her journey of finding her passions, eventually finding her purpose in following her dreams of writing, teaching, and speaking. Ever thought about writing a book? Michelle shares tips, processes, and lessons learned along her journey as an author to help you uncover the book that lives inside you. Discover how she inspires many women to live their passions, follow their dreams, and make 6 figures doing what they love.

Learn more at TheCreativeHaven.com