Jody Swain is the Founder of Hire and Fire Your Kids, a gamified parenting app that allows kids to simulate how real-world hiring and jobs work. The goal of the app is to establish a parent-child bond that revolves around chores, self-accountability, and trust. The app has been featured in several media and publications including Savvy Sassy Moms, Dragons’ Den, and CityNews, and was the recipient of the 2020 Mompreneurs Award. Jody has always had the entrepreneurial spirit, and while it did take some time, the skills and experiences she gathered in merchandising, retail, and sales helped her pave the way to start her very own company.


Jody joins me today to discuss what “Hire and Fire Your Kids” is and how it works. She explains how the app helps children build values and build a stronger bond with their parents. She shares how she gained funding for the company and how she pitched it to investors. Jody also describes how best to overcome failure and get back on the path to success.




“If you want to do it, do it. If you fail at it, fail fast, learn from it, and do it again." - Jody Swain




Today on the Creative Disruption Podcast:


How Jody started her entrepreneurial journey. What it was like being a child entrepreneur. What "Hire and Fire Your Kids" is all about and what it teaches kids. The gameplay mechanics and how the game works. What to do when preparing for a pitch. How the game helps parents know what their kids can do. Overcoming the fear that hindered your success. The Kickstarter campaign that reached its goal. What Jody wants her app to change in the entrepreneurial world.




Connect with Jody Swain:


Hire and Fire Your Kids LinkedIn





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