Guest Ed Conard is an economist who worked with Mitt Romney at Bain Capital, he is the New York Times Bestselling Author of Unintended Consequences: Why everything you’ve been told about the economy is wrong and his upcoming book, The Upside of Inequality: How Good Intentions Undermine the Middle Class promises to educate and enlighten. Discussions during this podcast include misnomers about CEO pay, why the technology sector is wildly profitable and how a complex web of regulations may be only benefiting the big players in the market.

Ed Conard Guest Interview:

[3:52] Ed Conard worked at Bain Capital with Mitt Romney during which time they experienced exponential growth.

[5:54] The two types of opportunities people invested with Bain Capital are capital investment and management supervision related opportunities.

[7:31] Bill Bain used a higher risk strategy and took advantage of undervalued investment opportunities.

[9:45] The Upside of Inequality showcases the productivity of the American work force.

[14:42] Is negotiating for a bigger piece of the pie accelerating the US economy?

[17:11] CEO pay may not be as outrageous as the headlines lead us to believe.

[22:00] The tech sector pays less taxes and has minimal regulation as compared to other sectors who are constantly looking for regulatory loopholes to give them a competitive advantage.  

[23:46] The rise of profitability in the tech sector has been extraordinary.

[24:47] The economy is squeezing the profitability out of every most other sectors.  

[27:09] Properly trained talent and a willingness to take risk are the binding constraints to growth in this new economy.


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