In today's 10th episode, Jason welcomes Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series. He also talks about a couple of CPI charts and how amazing it is that the FED, because of very low interest rates, is PAYING US TO BORROW MONEY! So be sure to take advantage of this incredible offer!

Also, don't forget to register for the Jason Hartman Live virtual event! Learn how to optimize your portfolio, evaluate investments like a pro and so much more! Go to today!

Raffle winners, pls go to to claim your prize!

He then talks to the legendary Mark Victor Hansen, best selling author, real estate investor and entrepreneur! He talks today about his new book, Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny. Most people have beautiful dreams deep inside—the things they would like to have, the relationships they’d love to enjoy, and the wellness and well-being that would help them express their best, in every way. But often those dreams lie buried inside us. Hidden by fear or unworthiness or a lack of awareness of what could be. Asking is the only language to which the Universe can deliver a solution, understanding, illumination, or plan.

There are three distinct channels through which we can ask: Ask Yourself, Ask Others and Ask God.

You were born with a destiny. Your job is to discover it. Once you begin to practice the art and science of asking to discover your destiny and start to move toward it, you can manifest innumerable blessings for yourself and others. This isn’t a complicated process; in fact, it’s a simple gift that lies dormant within you. Once you learn to access that gift, everything changes for the better. Ask! will help you access your hidden dreams and reveal them to be recognized and fulfilled in miraculous ways.

You matter. The world needs you to find your destiny and live it. This book is your guide. Start crossing the bridge to your destiny today!

Key Takeaways:

Jason's editorial

1:15 Chicken soup for the soul, anyone?

2:19 Interest rates and inflation

3:50 Look at these CPI charts. Be sure to watch the videos in Jason's YouTube, FB or LinkedIn channels 

8:27 Get paid to borrow!

13:44 The 30 year fixed rate mortgage chart

14:55 This week's raffle winners

18:23 Get your tickets to join the JHU LIVE virtual event on April 1 and 2, 2022!

Mark Victor Hansen Interview

19:21 Introducing Mark Victor Hansen

21:01 The triangle 

25:05 Unlocking your potential

28:52 Wakes up at 2:58am

30:42 Affirmations

32:57 Goal versus affirmations

34:09 What's holding you back?

35:33 The 4 principles

39:06 Do everything you desire

43:03 Be consistent and a "Master Asker"

44:26 The Top 3 favorite books you've published

46:17 Final Comments


The Collective Mastermind


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