Accepting our Universal Assignments


listening to Gabrielle Bernstein on the school of greatness she talked about her journey to find self love. To let go from herself and allow the universe to guide her. She said that the first step was for her to ask The Universe for help.

The universe or spirit or God - whatever you want to call it - shows up surprisingly fast when you ask and are aware - constantly being open to the messages that the universe provides you with is a skill that you can grow. Are you capable of quieting the mind and listening. A lot of times these messages are delivered through our peers or through synchronistic experiences - much like the timing of the podcast interview and the moment in my life.

first answer was Gabrielle’s book - I knew, after listening to her journey and her message on The School of Greatness, that I was too read her book. It nearly fell off the shelf. I could feel a visceral attraction to the book. It was magnetic the way it pulled me towards it.

In one of the beginning chapters of the book, Gabby talks about “The Holy Instant” - she describes the holy instant to be the moment where you can decide to either choose LOVE or FEAR. She calls FEAR (EF Everything and Run) - which made me laugh because I’m realizing what I have been doing my entire life. Running from myself. The self love that I have truly needed.

In this process of choosing “The Holy Instant” - this moment is not the moment that you choose to run from THE FEAR - this is the instant that you choose to RETURN TO LOVE.

By using the affirmation - “Thank you universe for guiding me to perceive this lesson through the teacher of love”

Gabby is teaching me to come back to compassion - come back to acceptance - come back to SELF LOVE

1) Recognize the assignment and call it by its name - My particular assignment is SELF LOVE - What is yours? What is resonating in your mind as I share my experience?

2) Accept that you cannot avoid the assignment - I had to accept the fact that if I don't learn this lesson then the same loops will continue to present themselves until I learn it. I said to the Universe - I am ready to learn through love. Teach me what I need to know.

3) Honor your feelings - underneath the masks that we all portray are deeply guarded wounds. Wounds that we have decided are too painful to look at. Too hard to heal. So we turned our back to them in hopes that they would disappear. Understanding that they will never disappear is the first step.

As I began to ask the Universe for help - and continued to build on my meditation practice - which I am really struggling with - I battle with wanting to quit as soon as I begin to relax. If it is tough for you also, just know that you aren't alone.

The next assignment was a hypnotherapy session - When I got the recommendation organically through a friend I knew that this was the Universe giving me what I had ask for. For me to say NO to this opportunity would have been foolish. I’m ready - so I MUST SAY YES. I cannot run any longer.

I showed up to the therapists place - in a shockingly relaxed mood - I wasn't sure what to expect but I had the subtle confidence that I knew that I was supposed to be there and “The Universe Has My Back.”

As he drifted me into the gap between my subconscious and my conscious mind I began to feel waves of pressure on my chest. I was aware of it - shocked at first - It was as an invisible force giving me CPR - take it for what you want but as I was mildly aware I just let go - I decided to not be afraid of that moment - I decided to just be a witness to what was happening. To the healing that was occurring. As I drifted back into consciousness I asked the therapist what was happening in that moment.

He went on to mention that it was my heart space opening. He mentioned that I had been asking for self love and now the universe was cracking the rough exterior around my heart space. Wow…. incredible. Thank you Universe - thank you for your magic

So what does all of this means. This is what you have to ask yourself. I hope while you were listening to be share my experience you were drifting into your own evaluation process. I hope that you were taking a look at whatever it is that you perceive to be YOUR Universal Assignment.



I wish for you to HONOR YOUR FEELINGS

and I wish for you to ask the Universe to Guide you through the teacher of love.

Remember - you can shift yourself from FEAR to LOVE and a moments instant - you have the ability to return to LOVE and any point. Be mindful of that fact and use it to your advantage.

The Universe has your back.

Gabby Bernstein's Book:

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